To put it in Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar’s words, the release of director SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali: The Conclusion is India’s biggest movie event. The Prabhas-starrer will have its world premiere at a grand event in Mumbai on Thursday, which will be attended by who’s who of Indian film industry. The filmmakers have promised that the event will set the benchmark for the future premieres in India.
The worldwide release of Baahubali 2, meanwhile, will happen on Friday on a never-seen-before scale. The film will hit as many as 9,000 screens worldwide. It will open in India on a record-breaking 6,500 screens, including in Karnataka, where the film faced the possibility of an unofficial ban from the pro-Kannada groups over ‘Kattappa’ Sathyaraj’s comments made nine years ago. About 2,000 pro-Kannada organisations threatened to stall the release of the film across the state if Sathyaraj refused to apologise for his anti-Kannada remarks during the Cauvery row that he made nine years ago. However, the crisis was averted after the actor tendered an apology. The advance booking of Baahubali 2 already begun in Karnataka on a strong note, especially in Bengaluru, where screens that offered tickets on online sites have sold almost all the tickets for the weekend. The scenario is very similar in Telugu states and Kerala as well. In these southern states, the shows start as early as 6 am, an indicator of the kind of craze the franchise has managed to create among the moviegoers.
The film will also get the biggest launch for an Indian film in the US. According to reports, the film’s Telugu, Tamil and Hindi versions will release on 1,100 screens in the US. Tamil, Telugu and Hindi versions of Baahubali 2 will be released in Canada on over 150 screens in about 80-plus locations. It will also be the first film to release in the original IMAX format in these markets. “The film will be released in this format in about 40 to 45 major locations in each territory,” Great India Films in a statement, which is releasing the film in the US and Canada, said.
The Hindi version of Baahubali 2 will also get a wide release in New Zealand, Australia and Fiji Islands. The Tamil version of the film is also set for a huge release across Malaysia. The film will also premiere in the UK as part of UK-India Year of Culture events. It truly is India’ biggest movie event.
Baahubali 2 is the sequel to 2015 Baahubali: The Beginning that created unprecedented box office records and fan frenzy across the country. Actor Prabhas in the film has played multiple roles and Rana Daggubati has played the antagonist. It also stars Anushka Shetty, Tamannaah, Sathyaraj among others in the lead roles.