Salman Khan was very confident with this latest Kabir Khan-directed film Tubelight. But in reality, the actor must be hurt to see that the film could do no great business at the box office. The condition such that the trade gurus too have stopped reporting the exact figures of the film. While in week one, the film earned Rs 102.57 crore, the second week business for five days is 10.10 crore only, thus earning a sum total of Rs 112.75 crore net till date. Salman fans probably had higher exception from the film as his previous projects like Ek Tha Tiger, Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Sultan and a few others enjoyed both critical and commercial success. But Tubelight, Salman’s recently released war-drama with brother Sohail Khan has failed to match its own past records.
Salman Khan seems to have been struck with bad luck. According to a report, this Kabir Khan directorial earned only Rs 1.10 crore net approximately on its second Tuesday. The report also says that the film will probably be out of most of the theatres soon and is likely to stay short of the Rs 120 crore net mark with final business, probably falling in Rs 115-116 crore net range. The film is predicted to face struggle in its third week and if it fails to get one full screen in multiplexes, the collection might drop down to lakh.
Salman Khan’s innocent act could not entertain. The Kabir Khan-Salman Khan duo which delivered the successful Bajrangi Bhaijaan, failed to recreate their magic in Tubelight. The film also stars Matin Rey Tangu, Chinese actor Zhu Zhu, late actor Om Puri and Zeeshan Ayyub in key roles. Shah Rukh Khan’s cameo in the film also couldn’t be of much help, and it looks like the audience preferred to watch Bahubali 2 instead of this war drama.
Expectations from a Salman Khan movie is always very high and Tubelight could not match up to the expectations this time. However, the film has not performed badly either. Many still say it is a one-time watch
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