Veteran actor Vinod Khanna death has left a void in the film industry. The actor passed away on April 27 this year, at the age of 70, after a long battle with bladder cancer. His songs, movies and personality are something that will be remembered and cherished till the eternity. While the industry and his fans are coping up with the loss, his actor son Akshaye Khanna still gets emotional whenever someone strikes a conversation about his father. Recently, the actor was on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs for promoting his upcoming film, MOM, during which a kid’s performance left him teary-eyed. Dhroon Tickoo, one of the performers on the singing reality show, sang Vinod Khanna’s famous number, “Ruk Jaana Nahi” from his film Imtehaan, which made Akshaye extremely emotional.
The actor was speechless to give any sort of comments on the performance. He said that this track from his father’s film is one of his favorites. In fact, Akshaye requested Dhroon to sing “Nahin Saamne” from Taal, which is also an emotional number about parting ways.
Akshaye, who has worked in many hit films including Border and Dil Chahta Hai in the past, would appear in MOM, also starring Sridevi and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. The film is a thriller and the story revolves around a daughter, played by Pakistani actor Sajal Ali and mother, played by Sridevi. MOM has been directed by Ravi Udyawar and has been produced by Boney Kapoor.
The film got released on July 7 and is receiving good response. Post this, Akshaye will also be seen in Ittefaq, starring Sonakshi Sinha and Sidharth Malhotra.
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