Samantha Ruth Prabhu started shooting for the untitled Ponram directorial quite recently. The film also stars Sivakarthikeyan and this is the first time that the two actors will be seen sharing screens pace. The film is being shot in Thenkasi, and Sam plays the role of a village belle in this one. So when she took to Instagram to post a picture of herself from the sets of the film, we did expect to see a desi avatar. She captioned the pretty picture, “No day is the same . #shootdiaries #theshowmustgoon #tenkasi #tamilnadu.” Interestingly, it was for this film that the actor had been training in the traditional martial art Silambam. We wonder what this has to do with her role in a romantic comedy.
Sivakarthikeyan has previously worked with Ponram on Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam, which was the actor’s vehicle to fame as a commercial lead actor. Sam, on the other hand, will be working with the director for the first time. The movie is being produced by 24 AM studios, the same banner under which Remo – Sivakarthikeyan’s last outing was released.
In fact, if one had to look at the production company’s filmography, it looks like they are dedicated to producing the Maan Karate actor’s films alone. Sivakarthikeyan is also looking forward to the release of Velaikkaran opposite Nayanthara this year, which also happens to be produced by the same banner.
Meanwhile, Samantha is working on multiple projects including the upcoming bilingual biopic of veteran actor Savitri. She will also be seen in Rangasthalam 1985 opposite Ramcharan and Raju Gari Gadhi 2 in Telugu. In Tamil, she will be seen in Mersal, Irumbu Thirai and Aneethi Kathaigal other than the biopic.
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